Sustainable, Seasonal
& local

About us

When you step inside Botanica, you'll encounter an array of colorful butterflies, a variety of plants you've likely never seen before, and the aroma of freshly prepared food ready to sweep you off your feet. In our open kitchen, you'll meet a team dedicated to developing dishes inspired by nature, based on the five principles of Dutch Cuisine: culture, health, nature, quality, and value, with vegetables as our heroes.


A quick glance into our open kitchen reveals a range of personalities and nationalities at work. They all share a common goal: to introduce you to Dutch cuisine. They seek out the finest local ingredients, apply traditional cooking techniques, and finish with spices and herbs from the garden. They are crafting creative dishes with an eye on the future.

Culinary Artists Inspired by Nature


A quick glance into our open kitchen and you’ll see different personalities and nationalities working. They all have a common goal; to give our guests a taste of Dutch Cuisine. The Botanica team source impeccable local ingredients applies old-school techniques, and finishes things off with some spices and herbs from the garden. Working towards the future and some undoubtedly creative dishes. Our menu is based on the five principles of Dutch Cuisine: culture, health, nature, quality, and value. We choose to make vegetables our heroes. Join us on this journey of culinary exploration and be a part of our team, where creativity and passion meet.


There is an incredible amount of inspiring ingredients and places to be found in The Hague and surroundings. From Scheveningen Beach to the The Hague market, we can either visit the ocean or the greenest market in Europe. All a quick bike ride away. We choose home-grown and homemade. By focusing on local suppliers, we support smaller companies in our community and offer you the best of The Netherlands. As such, it’s no surprise that our coffee roaster, for example, only supplies to businesses in The Hague. And, only by bike! From product to plate, we intend to have the smallest footprint we can in the supply chain.


We want to showcase all the beautiful fruits and vegetables we have in The Netherlands, and what we can create with them. Let’s take a simple ingredient like cabbage for example. We can make it into couscous, risotto or a crème. We can pickle it or smoke it, or make vegan béchamel from it. We can use it as a meat substitute or eat it raw. We’re presenting our guests so much more than just a simple product. We choose home-grown and homemade. By focusing on local suppliers, we support smaller companies in our community and offer you the best of The Netherlands. As such, it’s no surprise that our coffee roaster, for example, only supplies to businesses in The Hague. And, only by bike! From product to plate, we intend to have the smallest footprint we can in the supply chain.

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